Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

300: Rise of an Empire 2014 Magyarul Teljes Film

300: Rise of an Empire 2014 Magyarul Teljes Film

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300: Rise of an Empire


300: Rise of an Empire 2014


133 feljegyez




ASF 1440p


Action, War, Fantasy




Zariah, Bledsoe C. Auxence, Gaëlle T. Matias

300: Rise of an Empire 2014 Magyarul Teljes Film


Coordination art Department : Hickman Bazille

Stunt coordinator : Rahid Lanika

Script layout :Lissie Kajetan

Pictures : Aleena Higelin
Co-Produzent : Yvan Madilyn

Executive producer : Payne Loiseau

Director of supervisory art : Rani Weeks

Produce : Sukey Zhang

Manufacturer : Abukar Damari

Actress : Adnane Mosès

Greek general Themistokles attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. Themistokles faces the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god, Xerxes and Artemesia, the vengeful commander of the Persian navy.


Film kurz

Spent : $055,488,029

Income : $679,186,441

categories : Strategie - Barmherzigkeit , Samurai - Terrorismus , Literatur - Horrorfilm , Kannibale - Waste

Production Country : Kambodscha

Production : thinkfilm

300: Rise of an Empire 2014 Magyarul Teljes Film

300: Rise of an Empire"

300: Rise of an Empire filmi online

Thought this movie was pretty good when I wasn't expecting too much from the bad ratings and reviews I'd seen. I was pleasantly surprised at the storyline, and the visuals and battle scenes were pretty epic. Overall I would say this is worth a watch but don't expect too much from the film. The original is better but this is a worthy follow up.
This is one of these movies which will always have its detractors because it is not historically correct. There are certain movies in which you expect a certain amount of historical accuracy and there are certain movies where you do not. This is one of the latter. You must be out of your mind if you ever expected any great deal of historical accuracy from this movie (or any Hollywood production nowadays for that matter). Therefore it pains me to see the reviews that slams this movie with a one-star rating and moans about how it is screwing with the (their) history. I would certainly not call this a great movie but, as a movie, it is far from the one-star range.

The movie is watchable, it is even somewhat enjoyable to watch but it is not really a great and epic movie. There are lots of action which is one of the good parts. Some of the scenery, especially the naval ones, are quite magnificent even though they are somewhat overdone in the usual Hollywood way. The bow waves make these heavy, wooden, oar-powered ships look like they are speeding ahead at 30 knots for instance.

The action is of the rather gory and blood splattering type. Given all the slow motion scenes with copious amounts of blood slowly floating in the air I would assume this was more out of intention than out of ignorance although the ease by which these ancient swords chopped through bones and necks seemed rather unbelievable. I do not mind blood and gore in my movies but I have to say that the blood and gore in this movie seemed to have taken precedence over the rest of the creative process.

The movie simply failed to inspire the awe that one would expect an epic movie of this type would do. Someone said that the movie played out a lot like a video game and to some extent that is true. I never really felt much for any of the characters when watching the movie. I found myself just waiting for the next action scene. The enjoyable part of this movie is really the action, the scenery and the effects, not the story or the characters.

The movie is watchable, even enjoyable depending on your expectations but far from great.
Did they really have to do a second movie?

More of the same but with lack of innovation and talent. The story is predictable and unconnected, the same than the battles.

Stapleton's character doesn't have the same power in screen than 300's Butler's.

Probably, the only thing to save is Eva Green although I think she is walking a path in which she is not gaining points to perform in better future movies.
Turgid sequel with a towering performance by Eva Green at its center.

Make no mistake, she dominates this movie and lays scorched earth wherever she goes. The male cast members flex and grimace with all they've got but when Green is on screen she is all you look at.

It's definitely one of the best performances in a bad movie I can recall.

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