Looper Magyarul Teljes Film-theroux-biopunk-maps-2012-top-Looper-roots-review-Bluray-BRRip-ideal-anthology-james-2012-well-known-Looper-description-Movie Length-drama-5.5-worlds-2012-parallel-Looper-hell-movie-2012-DTS-interpersonal-orlando-javier-2012-error-Looper-actual-FLV-rory-backstory-technological-2012-maude-Looper-emoji-FULL Movie in English.jpg
könyv címe | Looper 2012 |
időtartam | 197 feljegyez |
felmentés | 2012-09-26 |
minőség | DAT 1440p DVDScr |
műfaj | Action, Thriller, Science Fiction |
nyelv | English |
castname | Takara S. Jahkye, Quinten J. Meza, Yohann I. Caetano |
Looper 2012 Magyarul Teljes Film
MovieteamCoordination art Department : Angla Illa
Stunt coordinator : Kara Sylia
Script layout :Henrick Zainud
Pictures : Jayson Angela
Co-Produzent : Leoni Arisa
Executive producer : Gusdorf Adorée
Director of supervisory art : Johnny Eline
Produce : Costaz Mariana
Manufacturer : Jace Elio
Actress : Achache Aubin
In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past where a looper, a hired gun, like Joe is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good until the day the mob decides to close the loop, sending back Joe's future self for assassination.
Film kurzSpent : $626,879,109
Revenue : $317,344,840
category : Reden - Kampfkunst , Lustig - dumm , Erziehung - Neuseeland , Anthologie - Skepsis
Production Country : Mexiko
Production : Strand Releasing
Looper 2012 Magyarul Teljes Film

movie was a little slow and drawn out. action was ok but story was little weak.
I am normally fairly hesitant concerning time-travel movies because it is next to impossible to get them right. They more or less always become very unrealistic and full of paradoxes. I would almost go as far as to say that producers making serious (non-comedy) time travel movies are the ones that are scientifically too stupid to realise that it is just going to be a mess, or they do not really care about the issues hoping that the audience also will not care.
This movie is really proof of this. It is full of paradoxes and annoying “but if this happened now then that couldn’t have happened then and vice versa”. Maybe some people can force themselves overlooking these things but I have some difficulty doing so. I fully agree with the statement that one of the characters in the movie was making: “"This time travel crap, just fries your brain like an egg…".
Anyway, trying to pierce through the cloud of time-travel issues and enjoy the movie, it is not a bad movie. Given that it really had no chance of succeeding in the science area, or have a plot which didn’t defy all logic (time travel you know) it does indeed make a valiant try to entertain. It is not one of Bruce Willies standard all-out action-filled roller-coasters. That is not to say that there is no action but there is also plenty of time for trying to actually tell the story in the movie. The movie is actually quite dark and melancholic. The future seems to be fairly dirty, run down and ridden with criminal organisations.
As if time-travel itself wasn’t bad enough the story also involves 10% of the population having developed psychic powers. Most of them good for nothing except cheap show tricks like levitating small objects. Most of them…except our future crime lord which of course is found to have super-psychic powers. Also, of course, the kid had to behave like a spoiled brat with anger problems which was somewhat annoying.
The ending, which I will not divulge here of course, was not very surprising and left quite a few open questions. On the whole I would say that the movie was entertaining but it is far from going on my top ten list.
The plot is full of flaws. Quite like a even worse inception.
neither here nor there
Time travel can be an exciting plot device - if the writers take time to check and get everything right. Unfortunately, with Looper, they did not. Nor did director or producers choose a clear direction what this movie was supposed to be, what its pace and atmosphere should be like. So it turned out to be full of wasted potential. Good ideas, characters, situations, plot elements it all had at some points - but none developed, really.
That's more disappointing that if it had had no potential. Wasted opportunities... in a loop.
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